High Quality Service Lawn Maintenance for Less!

With Grass Roots Solutions, we understand that every home owner has their own preferences when it come to their property. That's why we specifically cater to the individual needs of each and every customer we retain.
Our weekly or bi-weekly lawn maintenance starts at just $35 a visit!
This will include cutting the grass, trimming edges, and blowing/sweeping the driveway and walkways to have your property looking great!
Lawn maintenance starting at just $35 per visit, we are a great choice for rental property owners, offering reliability and great service for very low prices!
We maintain a large variety of properties! From small rental properties who's owners want basic maintenance, all the way up to larger residential lawns who's owners want lawn and garden maintenance including cutting, weeding, turning gardens, etc. Whatever it is you need done we are happy to do it!
Spring Specials Now In Effect!
Great discounts on the majority of our services this Spring! Check out other areas of our website for pricing, or email us for an exact price for services on your property!
All our services are discounted EVEN FURTHER for our regular lawn care clients!